Monday, October 01, 2007

False Positive

This comic is part of an ongoing series I'm doing called "False Positive" for Eleventh Transmission - an excellent online arts and culture magazine from Kirk Ramdath.
This month's issue includes articles on:
Calgary Take Back the Night
Calgary Street Fashion Show
MIA's real-world music

pitch selective

half the solved
reception preserved
awesome, in relief

several clicks of desire
staring into outliers
see, stupefied again

laterns of cognizance
alight, this link karma
anointed lightning

echo schemes silver
screens of limit
minimized this realm

dying ploys pixel
sell mortal solipsists
the tether to click physics

story as penetrator
understand the shadow
is amplifying vapours, anchors

brainchild landslide,
a good bargain backdrop
by hard grey flames